A couple incorrect translations in kcontrol

Ellis Whitehead kde-i18n-de@mail.kde.org
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 09:37:23 +0100

Hi Thomas,

On Wednesday 26 March 2003 08:25, Thomas Diehl wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 25. März 2003 21:08 schrieb Ellis Whitehead:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I just checked out the german translation for my kcmkeys module and
> > noticed that there are a couple incorrect translations.  What can I do to
> > get these corrected?
> >
> > Specifically: "shift" and "control" need to remain untranslated (they are
> > internal X labels, and so translating them isn't correct).
> > Also the "Win" key should be "Win" and not "Windows", I think.  This
> > particular translation applies to KDE system-wide rather than just
> > kcmkeys.
> If they need to be untranslated why are they translatable in the first
> place?

*grin* Woops.  They shouldn't be -- I'll fix that!  The "Win" key is a 
different issue though.  It does have to be translated, like "Ctrl" needs to 
be translated to "Strg" -- however, I think in the case of German it should 
remain "Win" and not become "Windows", as Strg isn't Steuerung und Alt isn't 
Alternative (or whatever).
