[kdecat] New KDE translation web site : http://l10n.kde.org

Orestes Mas orestes at tsc.upc.edu
Thu Feb 2 22:06:17 UTC 2006

D'aquest llarg missatge que acabem de rebre, m'agradaria destacar aquesta 
part, que trobo interessant. Caldrà estar a l'aguait per veure com i quan 

A Dijous 02 Febrer 2006 13:57, Nicolas Ternisien va escriure:
> Future ideas
> --------------------------
> About tools which will be cool to integrate in a next future to
> l10n.kde.org, an assignation system of PO files for translation teams
> could be a interesting idea. I know that the French and Italian teams
> already use this kind of system, to be sure that 2 persons do not
> translate the same file at the same time.
> Of course, this feature is only an example, so if you have other
> ideas, please tell us.
> Look at :
> http://fr.i18n.kde.org/app

* Orestes Mas Casals                                 *
* Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya               *
* Linux User 285092  http://counter.li.org           *
* Clau pública PGP: 0x97451E6A a http://pgp.mit.edu/ *
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