[kdecat] Fwd: Doc Freezes [-Llegir, és important-]

Antoni Bella evasten5 at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 31 09:55:07 UTC 2005

  Hola llista

  Com hi ha gent traduint algunes parts de la
documentació us faig arribar aquest missatge a la
llista per a que estigueu atents i sapigueu sobre com
funcionarà en aquesta release.


 --- Lauri Watts <lauri at kde.org> escribió: 
> De: Lauri Watts <lauri at kde.org>
> Para: kde-i18n-doc at kde.org
> Fecha: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 22:16:06 +0100
> CC: kde-devel at kde.org, kde-doc-english at kde.org,
> kde-core-devel at kde.org
> Asunto: Doc Freezes
> Hi all, 
> After some discussion we've decided to not freeze
> the docs in kdebase until 
> the total release freeze. According to the feature
> plan this will be February 
> 22nd, 2005.
> As noted on the release plan, additions to other
> docs to add new content only 
> to cover new features will be permitted.  All other
> corrections, rewrites, 
> and other editing, should be submitted to the
> kde-doc-english mailing list, 
> where it will be held until the last day, as we have
> done for previous 
> releases.  If you aren't sure which of those two
> categories your patch falls 
> into, err on the side of caution and send it in to
> us to hold, or ask for 
> approval on kde-i18n-doc.
> Summary:
> Changes that will be going directly into CVS during
> this period are:
> The general docs in kdebase: the user guide, the
> faq, kcontrol and konqueror.
> Application manuals, if the change is an addition is
> to document new features.
> Changes that should be submitted for approval and to
> be held for later 
> committing:
> Application manual changes that are not additions to
> cover new features
> Any other corrections/updates/changes outside of
> kdebase.
> Anything you aren't sure which of these they are.
> -- 
> Lauri Watts
> Lauri Watts
> KDE Documentation: http://docs.kde.org
> KDE on FreeBSD: http://freebsd.kde.org


######## Antoni Bella Perez ######################
# http://www.terra.es/personal7/bella5/home.htm
## Correu-e :	<bella5 AT teleline DOT es>	##,
## ID de Jabber: vasten AT jabber DOT org	## i
col·laborador dels projectes:
    Debian en català: http://www.debian.org/international/Catalan/
    KDE en català: http://ca.i18n.kde.org/
    T.P: http://www2.iro.umontreal.ca/~pinard/po/registry.cgi?team=ca


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