[kdecat] Fwd: KDE 3.1.2

Antoni Bella Perez vasten at telefonica.net
Wed Apr 30 20:54:12 UTC 2003

  Hola llista

  Penso que és bo que si mantenim el codi estiguem a l'aguait de quan surten 
noves versions així que us faig còpia del missatge anuncia la nova release -- 
tingueu en compte que la data no és oficial.

----------  Missatge transmès  ----------

Subject: KDE 3.1.2
Date: Dimecres 30 Abril 2003 22:39
From: Dirk Mueller <mueller at kde.org>
To: kde-core-devel at kde.org, kde-i18n-doc at kde.org


Ok, I wanted to do this sooner, but didn't come around doing this earlier. I
plan to package KDE 3.1.2 next monday. If there are issues which must be
solved before release (and are not yet), please let me know.

Please backport stable and safe bugfixes now, and don't forget to add a
changelog entry for notable changes in







######## Antoni Bella Perez ####################                             |
# http://www.terra.es/personal7/bella5/home.htm
## <bella5 at teleline.es> ## i
col·laborador del projecte Debian en català: debian.org/index.ca.htm
Maquinari: - Pentium II 300MHz 128MB memòria 599.65 bogomips
Sistema:   - Debian GNU/Linux-2.4.19  -  XFree86 4.2.1-6pre7v2

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