[Kde-hardware-devel] upnp backends, what to do with them?

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Fri Oct 12 17:13:20 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 09 October 2012 19:35:04 Alex Fiestas wrote:
> For some weeks/months now the upnp backend as not been building with this
> error:
> libHUpnp.a(hmulticast_socket.o):
> (.data.rel.ro._ZTVN5Herqq4Upnp16HMulticastSocketE[_ZTVN5Herqq4Upnp16HMultica
> stSocketE]+0xe8): undefined reference to `QAbstractSocket::writeData(char
> const*, long long)'

Odd, it never stopped building for me... Just tried again and it just build. 
That's a linking error BTW, so could be your copy of HUPnP being busted.

> I remember that we were super close to have it working but we failed to
> finish the last mile :/

Well, it wasn't "super close"... at some point I had it working in production! 
Nowadays I lost track of the upnp ioslave though, so it's not super useful...

> So I can't stop wondering what to do with those backends.
> kupnp is already disabled in cmake, what's its status?
> upnp is not working, but I'm quite sure we almost got it working at some
> point. Is anyone willing to step up and try to gix it?
> Paulo, Kossebau, do you feel like giving this another try ?
> I'd really love to see this moving forward, upnp support is quite important
> :/

Agreed, we might need new blood for it though, they are good targets for an 
"attract contributors" program. Paulo is pretty much MIA lately, and Friedrich 
is super busy... My main concern is that the dependencies of both backends are 
under maintained as well. HUPnP is still a one man show, and it didn't see a 
release in a long while (there's still activity in the repository though). 
Cagibi is mainly Friedrich baby (did I say he was super busy?).

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud patron of KDE, http://www.kdab.com
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