[Kde-hardware-devel] Re: Randa, Desktop Summit, and next Solid sprint

Alex Fiestas afiestas at kde.org
Sat May 28 19:06:40 CEST 2011

On Sat, 28 May 2011 18:32:40 +0200, Dario Freddi <drf54321 at gmail.com>  
> Hi everyone,
> today I had a quick talk with Alex, during which we agreed to set some  
> goals
> for the next days.
Again, thanks for bringing this up :)!

> From the nearest target, Platform '11 will start in a few days. It will  
> be a
> great occasion to talk about Solid, especially from a management point of
> view, and its future inside kdelibs.

Since there is also the "Multimedia sprint" going on there, I'd like to  
at least coling, PulseAudio guy and KDE developer.

> At the same time, it would be great to pick up the chance to set a sort  
> of
> short-term goal until Desktop Summit happens, where we might have the  
> chance
> of having a small metalworkers meeting as well.

We will have a BoF for sure, what would be awesome to have is a set of
meetings with GNOME developers, for discussing stuff like: UDisk, UPower,
BlueZ, colord, networkmanagement...

> All of this should lead to the planned Solid sprint we've been planning  
> in
> September/October. It's now about time to start planning the thing  
> seriously,
> as it's getting nearer and nearer, and having a plan ready+approved by  
> the end
> of this month would allow to invite some more people
Well, by sure this time we've to do it better and sooner, so all
metalworkers can meet together.

> he'll hopefully explain as a reply to this mail.

Well, I have a "masterplan" I'd like to share with you, but it is far of
being finished so maybe I can explain it in Randa and depending of your
reactions we can continue with it or throw it out the window :p

> Alex has again offered to host the sprint in his office in Madrid, which  
> is
> more than great. Of course, if anybody else wants to propose a different
> venue, proposals should come soon.

Yes, our offices are always open for KDE events, though we can't sponsor  
of them, but for sure we can repeat what we did last year (this time  
a good place for dinner :p).

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