[Kde-hardware-devel] Re: Help needed: Make libsolid 4.6 running without HAL

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Tue Nov 9 07:44:15 CET 2010

On Tuesday 9 November 2010 01:44:57 Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Tomorrow I am going to spend (for the first time on the UDev backend)
> some hours on it (> 5), so I really expect to have something more than
> what we have right now.
> I will sum up the progress in the kde-hardware-devel, but in the case
> that you are going to hack on it, just tell me to have it into account
> when working tomorrow on it. Since now I got a pretty good schedule;
> afterwards (this meaning, the days after tomorrow) I have the time to
> hack on it like 30 - 60 min per day, so I really expect to have it
> finished soon (sure before November 18th).
> Tomorrow will be important: if I see that I feel confident I will tell
> you so it's not that critical, but anyways any help is welcome,
> obviously (if you want to help). If tomorrow I have the feeling that
> I'm not going to be able to do it for November, 18th, I will also tell
> you, so you guys can really help me there.

Very good to read! Keep us posted!

Looking forward to today's findings. :-)
> That's all from my side, sorry for being so late for this. Really.

Just to clarify, my mail wasn't to get apologies from you or freaked out. We 
all know how a volunteer's life can be. We drop the ball every now and then, 
and sometimes we need some extra help to get results faster.

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud patron of KDE, http://www.kdab.com
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