[Kde-hardware-devel] Tokamak4 Network Management notes - progress update

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Thu Mar 4 15:24:38 CET 2010

Hey Network Managers!

I've done many of the UI changes over the last week, and I'm actually quite pleased 
with the result so far.

On Wednesday 24 February 2010 11:19:55 Will Stephenson wrote:
> At Tokamak 4 yesterday myself, Sebastian Kügler and Alexander Naumov got
> together to plan what we want to achieve with Network Management,
> especially the plasmoid.
> * Layout - AI: sebas, distribute mockups.  Roughly: continue twin pane
> approach.  LHS shows interface status overview and alternately interface
> details on click.

This is done, pending interface details on Alex' table. (Alex, if you won't get to 
this shortly, I can pitch in here as well, should be fun code to write. Just let me 
know wether I should touch it or not. It's the largest part of the UI that's 
unfinished at this point)

> RHS shows available connections and alternately all connections(wireless
> networks for which no connection exists) in list.

Done, the two tabs are gone, everything's merged into one list, there's a show all 
button now.

> * Hidden networks - broken down the stack. AI: will to fix
> * Connection sharing - show 'Share this connection' when an active Ethernet
> or 3G interface is selected
> * Adhoc - will be presented as 'Create new network' in networks list

Will, are you putting something suitable on the bus as RemoteActivatable, or is this 
purely in the UI? (just calling activatable->activate() and then having everything 
else happening somewhere else sounds finest to me.

> * Enable networking - missing in knetworkmanager, present in plasmoid
> * Artwork/icons - Martin Zilz now working on these.  We need to show vpn
> status in the tray icon.  Default route icon to be replaced by bold text on
> interface owning the defaultroute.

I've actually changed the idea here a bit. Active connections are now indeed bold, 
the default route has a smilie icon (no heart, Alex ;)). Looks and works nicely.

> * NetworkManager 0.8 - since openSUSE 11.3 will have this, all major NM
> distros are on it, therefore developers should target 0.8
> * Mobile Broadband - AI: will to integrate libqmbca this week
> * Tethering/Bluetooth - AI: will to investigate
> * Connection details - to be presented modally in the plasmoid popup left
> hand pane.  Initially this pane shows each interface's status, when an
> interface is clicked the pane shows details of that interface and its
> connection(s)  AI: anaumov

See above.

> * Polishing - AI: agateau to continue to fix paper kuts.
> * Tooltip - no tooltip on popup, existing plasmoid tray icon tooltip nearly
> good enough but should show active connection names.

Next on my plate.

> * VPNs - AI: sebas to get himself a VPN to use and offer VPN connections in
> the connection list right hand pane

Next-next on my plate. ;-)

> * System connections - AI:will to add support for these in KCM.


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