[Kde-hardware-devel] [PATCH] Add docking station support to Solid

Holger Macht hmacht at suse.de
Sun Nov 22 14:32:39 CET 2009

On Saturday 21 November 2009 09:24:21 Will Stephenson wrote:
> The attached patch adds support for laptop docking stations to Solid.  Knowing 
> when the machine is docked will allow us to modify powersaving policy while 
> docked, eg don't lock the screen if lid closed while docked, and help fix 
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=185460.
> The missing part is how to instantiate a DockStation device in the hal 
> manager, because in hal, dockstation isn't a capability and we use 
> FindByCapability only.
> Instead it seems to only be defined by the presence of an interface it 
> supports.  I attach an extract from lshal to demonstrate this.  Solid-hal 
> expert(s): is there an obvious way to deal with this?  Holger, how did you 
> handle this in GNOME?

Oh well, it required quite some time to figure this out now.

There should be a 'dock_station' capability as far as I remembered,
however, you were right and it wasn't there :)

The referring HAL patch (attached) got reverted in upstream HAL because
the kernel wasn't ready at that time. And in the meanwhile...I completely
forgot about it :-( So also the GNOME utility relies on a capability
dock_station and thus doesn't work at all at the moment. I'll try to push
the patch again and will add it to the openSUSE distribution until a new
HAL release is made. However, this may last quite some time because HAL
development is frozen because of DeviceKit.

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