[Kde-hardware-devel] UPnP support in KDE

Armijn Hemel armijn at uulug.nl
Sun Aug 24 01:49:10 CEST 2008

On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 01:34 +0200, Fabrizio Montesi wrote:
> > 1) The possibility to use JOLIE also for the UPnP stuff. After all
> it's
> > more or less a protocol which allows to expose services on the
> network.
> > JOLIE deals just fine with other protocols of this kind, it would
> really
> > only be a matter of adding the support for yet another protocol to
> > (epsilon how to handle the devices quirks).
> /me hears the magic word and jumps into the discussion ;)
> After a fast look the UPnP specs look like a set of mixes of http,
> soap and 
> xml to handle its different tasks (discovery, control, etc.).

HTTP-U (HTTP over UDP) is used for sending announcements to a multicast
address and to devices, SOAP is used for sending control packets, HTTP
is used for sending subscriptions and unsubscriptions and HTTP is also
used for receiving state changes. It is quite a mix of protocols :-)

>  As such, it would 
> be possible to reuse a lot of code from the HTTP, HTTP/XML and
> implementations already present in JOLIE.
> Protocol quirk fixes are not new to JOLIE (HTTP hell ...), either.

Things I have found so far is that certain devices will only accept SOAP
if the XML namespaces are the same as in Windows XP/Vista, that certain
parameters have to have content (and where a single space will not
suffice), and so on (I am trying to document it).

Can you set that stuff in JOLIE?


armijn at uulug.nl | http://www.uulug.nl/ | UULug: Utrecht Linux Users Group

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