[Kde-hardware-devel] [kde-artists] Renaming Oxygen's devices/ icons

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Mon Jun 25 01:03:18 CEST 2007

Jakob Petsovits wrote:
> So my initial, more privately woven attempt to get the Oxygen icons
> to adhere better to the Icon Naming Specification [1] didn't quite
> work out the way I had hoped for.
> Thus, let's take this thing to the artists mailing list
> (kde-hardware-devel is CC'd so that Kévin can take part) and try to
> get the icon names in line with the spec. With the support of Aaron
> and Kévin, who graciously provide their source code updating skills,
> it should merely be a question of coordinating efforts.
> I did a renaming proposal for devices/ (other categories to follow at
> aKademy or sooner), find it attached in text file form.
> So, there's two questions:
> (a) Are the proposed name changes ok for you? Can they be improved? 
> If so, How? ...and once there's a consensus on these questions: (b)
> What needs to be done for renaming all of the mentioned icons? Who
> will do what?
> Input is highly appreciated. I should have taken this to the list at
> the time I did the original file, but there's still enough time to
> get this sorted out in time for KDE 4.0. Until then, all of the icons
> should be compatible to the specification.
> [1] The freedesktop.org Icon Naming Specification: 
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html
>  ...or the only slightly, but still modified version in fd.o's CVS
> repository: 
> http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/icon-theme/default-icon-theme/spec/icon-naming-spec.xml?revision=1.17&view=markup
I see a serious problem here.

The question is: what is a device?

This has been a conceptual problem with KDE3 and we need to fix this.

I submit that devices are *drives* not the disks that are in them.  This 
wasn't really an issue with floppies -- we proceed on the presumption 
that you can only put one thing in them, but it is an issue with CDs & DVDs.

We need icons to use for empty CD & DVD drives.  The drives still exist 
when they don't have a driver in them.

That is, an empty CD drive can not be an audio CD or CD-ROM.  That 
distinction can only be made when when a disk is in the drive.

It gets more complicated.  A CD writer can also have a blank disk in it 
which is neither until it has been recorded.

There are a lot of CD formats including video and photo so we might want 
to make a distinction with these also.

I think that the situation with a DVD drive is the same: Audio, ROM, 
Video, Photo & Blank.

Then we have combination drives which may or may not be writers.

OTOH, if you want to update the attached file, I will use those rules 
for renaming icons for now.

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