[Kde-hardware-devel] wireless and kde 4

Giovanni Venturi giovanni at ksniffer.org
Sat Jan 20 23:14:30 CET 2007

Alle 21:56, sabato 20 gennaio 2007, Will Stephenson ha scritto:
> On Friday 19 January 2007 22:36, Giovanni Venturi wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've got two wifi cards and an Access Point. I configured WPA with
> > wpa_supplicant and think I could help solid Project for the wireless
> > network configuring. I don't know exectly what has be done or what has to
> > be done for KDE 4 for the wireless network, if someone is coding on it,
> > if there are plans and so on. I'd like to help. Can someone let me know
> > if I could help Solid and if so in which way?
> Hi Giovanni
> You were talking about writing a non-networkmanager backend for
> Solid-network the last time we spoke - is this still what you're thinking
> of doing?
> Will (working on the NM backend)
Sorry, I know you are working on NM, I downloaded it too, but slackware Linux 
is not supported and I think also FreeBSD, but not totally sure about of 
FreeBSD... Well I'm thinking of writing nothing because I don't know about 
the KDE 4 specific plans. Maybe you are working to make it working on 
Slackware and FreeBSD... I don't know. I just asked If I can give some kind 
of help because I'd like to see wireless on FreeBSD too, on slackware and 
wpa_supplicant now is in the FreeBSD world, so is system integrated in the 
base library and it works fine also on Slackware. Last time we talked you 
suggested me to write to this mailing lists IIRC, or someone else told 
me :) . Now I found some spare time. I'd like to give my help If I'm able to 
do but I don't want to break all of you modifying your plans becase as I've 
seen there is a lot of working on NM and it works on Debian and its forks, 
OpenSuSE, and other distribution.
I'd like to try give some help if time let me do. If you think is not a good 
idea to work on other projects I can understand because the coding work has 
to be shared with the community and is not always a good idea to start on a 
new thing when there is something that still works. Do you think is possible 
to support *BSD and Slackware into NM?

A KDE Italian translator and KSniffer core developer
Slackware GNU/Linux current version - kernel
KSniffer Website webmaster/sysadmin - http://www.ksniffer.org/
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