[kde-guidelines] Typography HIG update

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Wed Jul 2 22:06:26 UTC 2014

On Tuesday 01 July 2014 09:04:23 David Edmundson wrote:
> From a developer using the HIG perspective, I want to add a few things.
> There is a user setting for setting the smallest readable font and the
> menu font and the window title font. We should be using these.
> (http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKGlobalSettings.
> html )

So users can set a completely different font for menus than for other UI 
elements? That could lead to some messed-up UI looks, couldn't it?
Why do we have those three settings in particular? That seems rather arbitrary 
to me.
For me it would make sense to allow the user to set one dedault GUI font with 
one default size (as proposed in the HIG) and then have anything else be 
multiples of it.

> Developers should not be doing font*0.8 in their code ever.

Why? What problems could that lead to?
Does this mean that users should only set the smallest font and then 
everything else uses a scaling factor >1?

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