[kde-guidelines] Revitalize the Design Crew. Hand count.

Jens Reuterberg jens at ohyran.se
Sun Jan 19 15:06:29 UTC 2014

Ok Nunu - THAT was the guys name, the dude that made the Oxygen theme. Yeah 
absolutely he has to be in too.

Ok what other options are there for a good informal "meeting ground"? Doesn't 
Open Desktop have some kind of chat function too?

[Heiko] "Perfect. Sometimes it's good to have a slavedriver. Please consider 
to invite 
the people from kde-artists. A few people might still hang around there and 
not here at kde-guidelines." 

Well hopefully once we get a good workflow in and organization of it all we can 
all work knowing we have a team at our back that will not only support us but 
also so that our work doesn't become ignored, overlooked or set aside. Plus it 
would be a great way to get more people.

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