[kde-guidelines] Hi! Introduction and short notes about the Plasma Sprint

Jens Reuterberg jens at ohyran.se
Fri Jan 17 22:03:47 UTC 2014

But I hate mailing lists. I didn't even like them back in 1998 when they 
where relevant ;)

Ok ok point taken ... the thing is though that as effective as a mailing list 
can be to devs it can also be a hindrance to inclusiveness. Forums are by 
their very nature inclusive because you can see the activity without 
having to join up - what ever is written down demands no user action to 
be gained AND that makes any answer easier to access meaning the 
forums becomes a wiki of answers even for people not connected to the 

Take the Krita subforum in the KDE forums as an example - or if you 
google Openbox of Conkys how many times you turn up in the #! forums. 
What it does is creating user interaction and by using some fine-grain 
control you can make a subforum for devs or a "from the mailing list" 
subforum so devs don't even have to go inside the forum. :)

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