[kde-guidelines] Styleguide: Check boxes

Heiko Tietze heiko.tietze at user-prompt.com
Tue May 28 15:48:19 UTC 2013

* generic structure applied
* old purpose "Check boxes are a widget to enable one or more options in a group."  replaced by "A ''check box'' is a control that permits the user to make multiple selections from a number of options. Check boxes are used to toggle an option on or off, or to select or deselect an item. Users make a decision between two clearly opposite choices (on (vs. off), apply (vs. don't apply), show (vs. hide). etc.). Check boxes are used to toggle an option on or off, or to select or deselect an item." -> Is it too much redundant?

* added: "Don't use a check box if the opposite is ambiguous."
* added: "Don't use the selection to perform commands or to dynamically display other controls and windows"
* added: "Use the mixed state only to indicate that an option is set for some, but not all, child objects. Mixed state must not be used to represent a third state."
* added: "Users must not be able to set a mixed state directly."
* added: "Clicking a mixed state check box enabled all child objects. "
* added: "Align groups of check boxes vertically rather than horizontally, as this makes them easier to scan visually. Use horizontal or rectangular alignments only if they greatly improve the layout of the window. "

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