[kde-guidelines] bugs.kde.org for guidelines

Thomas Zander TZander at factotummedia.nl
Tue Sep 14 09:10:20 CEST 2004

On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 02:54:36AM +0000, Frans Englich wrote:
> On Sunday 12 September 2004 18:55, zander at kde.org wrote:
> > The problem that issues flow into the lists to fast, I personally work
> > around by don't deleting the important emails and threads.   Keeping
> > bookmark folders to lists.kde.org also works quite nice IMO.
> But isn't bugzilla then pointless since developers could use TODO's and 
> bookmark folders?
> I want to use bugzilla for the usual reasons; it allows a formal way of 
> handling requests; a Maintainer can deny a suggestion by users(developers), 
> see how the Gnome people use it. It's not fluid as a Wiki, but a separation 
> between suggestions and those who decide. Drafting, and discussing the HIG is 
> perhaps the wiki usable for(if I am going to write, I will probably link to 
> my local test server).

There are very different needs for developers<->users v.s

Most of the changes make the bugs-database not usefull; the simples example of
this is that in development, if I post a bug or a feature request one or maybe
2 people decide if that feature goes in, no problem for bugs.kde.org.  The
issue is very different for guidelines.

I just don't see how the bugs-system adds anything usefull to the guidelines
development process.

Thomas Zander
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