Re-using a KDE Games card deck

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Jul 22 23:01:57 BST 2024

El dilluns, 22 de juliol del 2024, a les 8:18:52 (CEST), Ian Wadham va escriure:
> Hi, Ian Wadham here (a blast from the past),


> I am working on a game, in another software platform and language, which is
> based on KPat and uses the Ancient Egyptians card deck. When I say “based
> on”, I mean a selection of the same Patience games as KPat has, but
> re-coded entirely in a different programming language (not C++ or C) and
> with a different internal design and re-written rules text.
> However the card-deck is a straight copy of the SVG file, but converted into
> a single .png file.
> I would like to publish the game as Open Source and would like to include
> appropriate licenses and acknowledgements. How should I proceed? The
> platform I am on usually uses a MIT License for code.
> I know who the authors and maintainers of KPat are. But who created the
> Ancient Egyptians card deck? Was it Eugene Trounev or his offsider Sean or
> both of them? I could not find this info in the repository files.

git history seems to say Sean Wilson


> Best regards,
> Ian Wadham.

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