ksirk modifications

Glenn Pavlovic gpavman at hughes.net
Mon Feb 18 03:23:05 GMT 2019

Most of the patches worked against rel. 18.12.2. Those that failed were
usually fairly minor adjustments. I have no idea how well the result
will compile (I did try). As I said before I only have KDE4. If there
are problems they will most likely be in Extraction.cpp/.h as those are
entirely me. Looking at what you have though it should just be a matter
of tweaking the header files.

Nemanja Hiršl wrote:
> +kde-games-devel
> On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 12:32 AM Glenn Pavlovic <gpavman at hughes.net
> <mailto:gpavman at hughes.net>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I made some (what I consider to be improvements) changes to ksirk
>     4.14.3. Patch file attached (generated with LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC0 diff
>     -Naur
>     ksirk-4.14.3 ksirk-4.14.3.revised > ksirk-4.14.3.patch)
> Hi Glenn,
> Thank you for your interest and contribution to ksirk.
> Unfortunately, I couldn't try your patch due to various reasons and
> troubles in compiling locally 4.14 branch. Master and recent branches
> are all based on KF5 and Qt5 for some time now.
> As you noticed, some improvements can be made to get UI out of the way
> for some game plays.
>     1. Added a button to the invaisonSlider dialog to set the slider
>     to the
>     maximum.
> Is it possible to modify slider to match your needs instead of adding
> new button. QSlider is used here and current default page step is 10.
> You can move pages by leftclicking on slider or with PageUp/Down. End
> key will set the slider to the maximum, while Home would set it to the
> minimum.
> If all of these is not enough, or can't be used to satisfy what you
> are trying to accomplish, maybe an option could be added to always set
> maximum value for invasion slider instead of minimum?
>     2. Added a slider to the right dialog to allow multiple armies to be
>     added toi a country at once.
> If I understand correctly, once the country has been selected, the
> slider would determine how many armies would be placed, instead of
> single click - one army?
> I agree this might be useful especially later in the game with large
> number of armies.
>     3. Added a dialog (accesed via CTRL/SHIFT/META+right click) to allow
>     multiple armies to be extracted from a country at once, if there are 5
>     or more available to be extracted.
> Not sure I understand where and how this new dialog is used.
> If it is possible, please try to build latest code (master) and send
> patches via phabricator. That and keeping kde-games-devel in the loop
> might get you faster responses.
> Best regards,
> Nemanja

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