D10889: Summary: SpiderSolitaire: Check if there exists a card below before accessing it

Fabian Kosmale noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Mar 3 20:27:52 UTC 2018

fabiank added a comment.

  So the last change fixes  that mp gets incremented and we happily write into the storage space of the MemoryManager which leads to all kinds of crashes. Now, I know that goto is normally not something you put into modern C++, but it seemed to be the nicest way out of the nested loop while keeping the check local to the increment.
  Additionally, considering that those writes corrupt the object, this might explain the crash in the destructor in the bug report.

  R410 KPatience


To: fabiank, #kde_games
Cc: aacid, #kde_games
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