[Kde-games-devel] Testing Klickety Frameworks Branch

Frederik Schwarzer schwarzer at kde.org
Tue Oct 13 02:09:48 UTC 2015


please test the frameworks branch of Klickety (also with --KSameMode 
command line option).

One thing I do not like yet is the status bar widget positioning. 
Before the two widgets had been placed with some space between them. 
Now they sit right next to each other. Two (semantically ugly) ways to 
separate them more or less are the following. Or do I miss something? 

--- a/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/mainwindow.cpp
 -    statusBar()->addPermanentWidget( m_statusBarLabelLeft );
+    statusBar()->addWidget( m_statusBarLabelLeft );
     statusBar()->addPermanentWidget( m_statusBarLabelRight );

--- a/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/mainwindow.cpp
     statusBar()->addPermanentWidget( m_statusBarLabelLeft );
+    statusBar()->addPermanentWidget( new QLabel("     ") ); // Urgs!
     statusBar()->addPermanentWidget( m_statusBarLabelRight );

Another question is if .desktop files should be executable. I read 
different opinions about that and the two .desktop files in Klickety 
are representing both sides. ;)

Also ... What about an Appdata file? Just copy it over from another 
game and adjust it or is there another way of doing it?


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