[Kde-games-devel] KMahjongg archaeology

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 04:57:41 UTC 2015

Hi guys,

On 12/01/2015, at 3:36 AM, Roney Gomes wrote:
> Replying to Ian now: yes, I can test KF5 games. :-)

Great, Roney!

I have been collecting some information about the degree of difference
between qgraphic and master in KMahjongg.  See the attached .txt file.

I used the git "triple-dot" notation in "git diff", which tells you what has
changed in one branch since it diverged from another branch.

You will see that there are huge changes in qgraphic, but not so much
in master.  Many changes in master are not code-changes: i.e. some
documentation cleanup, copyright info added and a lot of new
translation lines in *.desktop files, particularly those that describe
the many puzzle layouts.

The code-changes in master are quite minor, so I do not expect many
conflicts when merging into qgraphic --- then the fun will begin… ;-)

I spent some time browsing some of the larger diffs of individual
files, between today's master and today's qgraphic, using Kompare,
but did not learn much from that.  Part of the problem is that there
have been (needed) white-space and indentation changes.  Even
when I set the diff program to ignore white space, there are many
instances where braces have been added or rearranged, in line with
KDE and Qt standards, causing changes that are necessary but
not substantial, i.e. the code will still do the same thing.

Looking at the git commit history, Christian's last commit to qgraphic
was on 2013-01-03.  After that a guy called Ian Simpson made lots
of commits to qgraphic, up until 2013-07-14.

I do not recall Ian Simpson.  Does anyone here know him or know
about his work?

I think I will now start "walking through" the final KMahjongg code on the
qgraphic branch, to see that the structure is good for QGraphicsView
and to see if it is missing out on any recent libkdegames additions.

I am sure that all the features of the current KMahjongg game will be
present, because they have not changed on master since the qgraphic
branch was started.

As I said before, qgraphic builds and runs very well with current KDE 4
and Qt 4 libraries.  The only suspect thing I have found is that, when you
have won a game, the undo-redo animation goes on endlessly until
you hit New or Quit.

Is that intentional, Christian?  The released KMahjongg game does the
animation only once.

All the best, Ian W.

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