[Kde-games-devel] kMahjongg: Timer keeps running even if game is won

Jan-Peter Nilsson peppe at pappkartong.se
Sat Jan 3 22:53:49 UTC 2015

On 01/02/2015 06:59 AM, Ian Wadham wrote:
> Hi Jan-Peter,
> The problem is that there is currently no maintainer for KMahjongg and
> there has not been one for quite a while.  So nobody is paying attention
> to the Bugzilla entries and patches which you have been sending in.
> I saw them, but only because all messages about KDE Games bugs
> are copied to the kde-games-bugs at kde.org mailing list.  Unfortunately
> they arrived on Christmas Eve (Australian time) and our family had
> decided to celebrate Christmas on that day, so my wife and I were
> rather busy… :-)
> I wonder if you would be so good as to send, on our kde-games-devel
> list, an email containing links to all of your bug reports, patches and
> reviews for KMahjongg.  Then I, and maybe even Albert, can take a
> closer look at them.  If there are dependencies between the patches,
> please put first the links to patches on which other patches depend.
> Thank you very much for your work,
> Cheers, Ian W.
> Melbourne, Australia.


I guessed as much from the amount of activity over the last year, I
opened the bug Albert just helped me close about a year ago :)
For me it was still the 23:rd (Sweden) but I was not really expecting
anyone to look at them so I am in no hurry.

My plan as I wrote earlier is to upload them one by one to review board.
If you have the time to look at them before that comments would be
(I'm too lazy to create a local branch for each of them to get review
board to accept more than one at a time.)

I have uploaded a new change to review board "Reduce redrawing of game
This is a follow up to "Don't redraw entire game board on
pause/unpause", removing background redraws for new game, shuffle and
unrelated settings changes as well.

The patches I have uploaded to bugzilla should not have any functional
dependencies, and they all applied individually on a clean master so I
don't expect any conflicts between them.

Bugs I have attached patches to:
Bug 199844 - Timer keeps running even if game is won

Bug 156022 - KMahjongg generates non-solvable boards (at least when
pressing shuffle)
The patch is a fix for a related problem described in the comments, not
the actual shuffle problem.

Bug 332656 - Kmahjongg can't be paused
There is two parts remaining to this bug
1. Don't unpause already paused game on minimize (patch attached)
2. Keep track of if the games was automatically or manually paused, so
that a manually paused game is not automatically unpaused by a
minimize/restore (or switch of virtual desktop).

Bug 342156 - Configuration not read when creating a new game

Bug 342159 - Layout preview in settings show random layouts

Bug 342160 - Menu state not updated when restarting from a paused game

Bug 342162 - User can remove tiles during game over replay animation
Ignore for now, a condition is missing in the patch for clicks after the
animation have completed. Starting a new game here will also suffer from
the problem described in bug 342393.

Bug 342163 - Game over replay animation not interrupted by loading a
saved game

Bug 342165 - Demo leaves redoable moves in new game

There is a few bugs I believe can be closed:
Bug 329052 - Select a tile, then do a Shuffle; afterwards the selection,
hints, etc... maybe wrong.
Looks like a duplicate of 305036.

Bug 328502 - High scores display: limited room for layout tabs,
I get arrows for scrolling in the high score dialog.

Bug 192329 - Programma: KMahjongg (kmahjongg), signaal SIGABRT....
Marked as NEEDSINFO since 2009-06-12, seems unlikely that more
information will be provided.

Bug 191054 - improvvise error message for kde
Marked as NEEDSINFO since 2009-06-04, seems unlikely that more
information will be provided.

I also have a small collection of patches I have not uploaded, due to
dependencies, that there is no bug, or that I'm not done.
Bug 342157 - Changing any setting with random layout selected creates a
new game
Not uploaded since it depends on the redraw patch (currently in review
board) for context, so it will not apply cleanly.

Bug 340081 - No documentation explaining how tiles are scored when removed
Documentation, adds a section on how the game is scored.

Bug 327974 - kMahjongg v0.8 generates maps with invalid tile combinations.
Documentation, break out the tile set description from rules (since I
think rules was getting a bit too many notes) and
add a note that for layouts using fewer tiles a subset will be used, and
for layouts requiring more tiles additional random pairs will be added.

Bug 205258 - don't announce no moves left
Adds an option to show the number of remaining moves or not, the patch
is incomplete as I have not updated the documentation.

Pause game when settings dialog is open

Seed the random generator when creating a boardwidget, so that you don't
get the same random layout when starting the game.
(Debian bug 762450)


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