[Kde-games-devel] AI library in the gamelibs?

Tom Vincent Peters kdegames at vincent-peters.de
Fri Jan 3 23:49:56 UTC 2014

Hi Inge,

On 01/03/2014 10:29 PM, Inge Wallin wrote:
> [...]  the question
> is if I should just use it or if I should make some preparatory work to
> include it in the games library.
> It supports the following features, which none of the current or
> previous board games (like kenolaba), do:
> - time control of the engine, not just depth of thinking
> - Iteratively deepening alpha-beta search algorithm with lots of
> optimizations
> - Opening book generation and use of the opening books in the game
> - Support for games with many different types of rule sets like loss vs
> tie if no move is available, simple win/lose vs graded win/loss (like
> chess and reversi, respectively), etc
> [...]

It would be great if you could put your code in the games library. That 
way I can use it for the very hard AI level in ksquares. I'm very 
interested in the time control and iteratively deepening alpha-beta 
search algorithm parts because that's just what I need to write a 
ksquares AI that compares to dabble [1]. It would be nice to rely on 
existing code instead of creating something from scratch, especially 
because I only have very limited time.

Best regards,


[1] http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~jpg/dabble/

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