[Kde-games-devel] Junior job not only for GSoCers: Low-latency sound playback with KgSound

Roney Gomes roney477 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 00:27:54 UTC 2012

On 03/21/2012 05:17 AM, Ian Wadham wrote:
> In fact, there's a bug right there!  By brute force, you got it to work, but the intent of
> KStandardDirs::locate is that it should find files of a required type ("sound" in this
> case) in ANY configuration.  On my Macbook, the Macports package installation
> for KDE Games puts the Kapman sounds in /opt/local/share/sounds/kapman, but
> I expect the filepath is very different for you.

But the bug is not in the code, is it?

> i do not know for sure.  I do not have second sight and cannot see into your computer … :-)
> The idea of the $KDEDIR environment variable (and several other such variables) is to allow you to
> test with executables, data files, temp files, libraries, config files, etc. in places different from where
> your distro puts your released versions of KDE and Qt and different from the the locations of data
> files, temp files, config files, etc. those released versions use.

Well, I know that you do not have superpowers or something like that. 
But it's my fault, I didn't explain it the right way.

I thought that $KDEDIR's value was something universal to any KDE based 
system, and not user dependent. Then, my question was to discover what 
was that value, so I could properly configure everything over here.

> To get some idea of this, have a look at $HOME/.kde4.  That stuff gets created automatically BTW.
> Also, somewhere like /usr/share/kde4 might be where to find the released data files for most apps.
> On my Linux system (OpenSUSE) I see that Kapman sounds were installed in /usr/share/sounds,
> along with the KDE System sounds, which is different from what other games do.  All this structure
> of where things go gets handled automatically by cmake, make and make install.  $KDEDIR and
> other variables just change the base or "prefix" of the various KDE and Qt directories.

I changed from Pardus to OpenSUSE a few days ago, and the sounds are 
exactly in the same path you said.

Anyway, I still believe that the code is fine (no, I didn't forget 
Dijkstra :-)) and that these issues are only related to my system. Thus, 
I've sent a commit to the review board yesterday, here follows the link: 

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