[Kde-games-devel] Rule writing, common data

Stefan Majewsky stefan.majewsky at googlemail.com
Sun Mar 11 19:21:55 UTC 2012


time for a small update on the Git move.

1. Someone moved the conversion progress from techbase to community,
but did not mention this anywhere. Here is the correct link:


Rule-writers please update this page with your progress.

2. Frederik, sometime ago you wrote about how to optimise the size of
the repos with zero-compressed SVGZ and other black magic. I don't see
that in the checklist on the wiki page I mentioned. Could you please
explain there what to do for optimal repo size (and how to check for
it as a reviewer)?

3. What will happen with common data shared by multiple games? I'm
talking about the carddecks and the Mahjongg tilesets and backgrounds,
which are currently in the libkdegames and libkmahjongg directories.
Should these stay with the libraries, or end up in a separate
repository? If so, it might be a good idea to move them to
trunk/kdegames/data/ now to clarify this.

4. I just see that libkmahjongg already has rules. I consider this
problematic. As far as I can see, the usecase of libkmahjongg is just
a specialization of KGameTheme and KGameThemeSelector. I therefore
plan to abandon the concept of a separate libkmahjongg altogether and
use the new KgTheme class which will definitely be in 4.9 for this.
With this in mind, it's probably not useful to start out with a
libkmahjongg repo now and then move the data files into libkdegames or
into the separate data repo (see point 3).


P.S. I'll try to get my hands dirty on rules for my own games in the
meantime, but won't promise anything here.

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