[Kde-games-devel] Junior job not only for GSoCers: Low-latency sound playback with KgSound

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Thu Mar 8 02:37:05 UTC 2012

Am Donnerstag, 8. März 2012, 00:10:40 schrieb Stefan Majewsky:
> Phonon is not optimal for the usecase of reacting to user interaction
> with short sounds, e.g. because it loads the sound anew every time.
> libkdegames recently gained the new KgSound class which is optimized
> for game sound effects. Usages of Phonon should be ported to use
> KgSound.

you can exclude kajongg from that list. The phonon code is commented.
I considered porting KgSound to Python but there is no python-openal
binding available which is both actively maintained and installable as
debian package. Kajongg starts subprocesses with ogg123 - this is
fast enough.

of course python bindings for KgSound could be done but that would
be the first part for kajongg not being written in python and I would
probably have to write and maintain them myself.


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