[Kde-games-devel] Questions about including a new game

Jakob Gruber jakob.gruber at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 00:00:46 UTC 2012

On 02/22/2012 11:29 PM, Ian Wadham wrote:
>> You mentioned standard KDE
>> requirements, are these documented somewhere?
> Yes. There are several tutorials, howtos and policies in techbase.kde.org
> and it might be a good idea to browse community.kde.org first.  There are
> standard requirements re main window, menus, documentation of your game,
> documentation of API (doxygen), translation of strings (i18n), storing and finding
> data and graphics files, remembering previous setup (KConfigGroup), artwork,
> your own app's settings, keyboard setup, schedules,  feature lists, committing code,
> help menu … and on and on.
> Re libkdegames you will need KStandardGameAction (standard menus and icons
> for Hint, Solve, Pause, etc.).  You might also need KGameRenderer if you have
> a lot of graphics and themes, but perhaps not.  SVG files can be slow to load
> and render or re-render if the main window gets resized.  If so, KGameRenderer
> makes caching of already-rendered graphics automatic, making the game much
> faster.

I spent some time today integrating KDE technologies. My master branch
now uses KApplication, KXmlGuiWindow, KDE i18n, KScoreDialog,
KGameDifficulty and KStandardGameAction.

I've also applied for a developer account. If the application is
approved, I will move the repository over to KDE hosting.

> Last but not least, I suggest reading the code of an existing not-too-large game,
> such as KDiamond, to find out what the various files are, what they do and how
> they work together.

That's a good point. KSudoku and KMines have been a big help so far.

Please excuse my not replying to all points (including all other
replies), it's late and I need to get some sleep :)


P.S.: I did read Stefan's mail about KgDifficulty, but I haven't gotten
around to setting up a kdegames trunk install yet and the changes from
KGameDifficulty -> KgDifficulty didn't look that daunting.

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