[Kde-games-devel] Problems with standalone KDE Game build

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Sun Aug 26 06:30:49 UTC 2012

Am Sonntag, 26. August 2012, 12:11:47 schrieb Ian Wadham:
> On 26/08/2012, at 2:27 AM, Wolfgang Rohdewald wrote:
> > Am Samstag, 25. August 2012, 12:39:57 schrieb Ian Wadham:
> >> For some time now I have been getting problems building a game
> >> when its development source changes over to KGameRenderer.
> > 
> > which game would that be?
> Ah, English is so deliciously vague - unlike French and German … :-)
> I meant "any" game that changes over to KGameRenderer when it was
> previously doing its own rendering and cacheing.  Roney Gomes has been
> porting a few for GSoC 2012.  Most recently, I had trouble with standalone
> compilation of Viranch Mehta's QML version of KBreakout.

I never followed KGameRenderer development, and I did not want to browse
code for finding such a game...

> Well, "sort this out in time" presumably means "before the move to GIT".
> Has anybody tried standalone builds of individual games before now?

Parker compiled them all, I compiled a few.

your environment is different from mine in that it has different versions
installed in parallel - I don't have that, and I would rather not try that
on my system. I'd have to setup a virtual machine and try there, but - no
time for that currently, sorry!

Just one question - do other games compile and install correctly?
And maybe some other project like okular - how does that behave?


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