[Kde-games-devel] git

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Wed Aug 1 13:00:36 UTC 2012

Am Mittwoch, 1. August 2012, 14:30:16 schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:
> Haven't the rules files been close to "done" and the major thing left 
> was the post-processing scripts?

Everybody (including me) was just copying rule files and adapting them
to the next game but nobody (including me) seems to have done much
testing on other people's rules.

shows almost no testing but some bugs found and (I believe) not
yet fixed.

But then maybe this status page been rewritten again and I just
didn't notice ;)

I am sure more bugs will be found - even if they are only typos like
killision instead of kollision (fix committed)

There are some TODOs left in the rule files:

kfourinline-rules:# TODO: There was a single html file before that inside the source dir. Can we handle that?
kreversi-rules:# TODO: /branches/KDE_1_1_BRANCH/kdegames/kreversi/html/ in early revisions (see r29151)
kgoldrunner-rules:# This file is not complete yet

> If so, why change the rules files? Those are one-shot scripts and 
> while I agree that having it somewhat clean and well-documented (for 
> others to understand), I do not think, everything has to be all 
> beautiful design-wise.

one-shot - yes, we have only one shot. If we get it wrong, it will be much
more trouble to fix things later on. Imagine some former developer 
who finds out years later that his contributions have gone away.

That is why I prefer having only game  specific rules in the game-rule
file, it just makes it easier to see the problems and I don't have to 
find out why different games have different rules for the same
things. Well-documented is something I am not good at, I prefer
self-explaining, nonduplicated code.

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