[Kde-games-devel] KGoldrunner now uses TagaroAudio, OpenAL and SndFile

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Mon May 9 14:46:27 CEST 2011

Hi guys,

I have just committed a version of KGoldrunner that uses a clone
of TagaroAudio (from Granatier) and is built on OpenAL and
SndFile libraries.  If these libraries are not present, KGoldrunner
will build, but with sound completely disabled (by leaving compile
option ENABLE_SOUND_SUPPORT undefined).  This was its
previous state-of-play vis-a-vis Phonon in the KDE 4.6 release.

I hope you will find the sound much better now.  I certainly do.

Question: Do I need to tell the Release Team about the new
dependency?  I'd hate to have KGr going out without sound
because someone in the chain does not have dev versions
of OpenAL and SndFile.  OTOH Granatier is already dependent
on OpenAL, etc., but will revert to Phonon if they are not present.

All the best, Ian W.

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