[Kde-games-devel] Re: GSoC 2011 proposals: Knights and Shogi

Stefan Majewsky stefan.majewsky at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 31 20:32:05 CEST 2011

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Daniel E. Moctezuma
<democtezuma at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also I'm thinking of a project that I entitled as KShogi.
> It would be great to have some feedback from the community, and know if
> there is someone who would like to mentor the project.

After prior experiences with other newcomer developers (both GSoC
students and spare-time contributors), we are quite reluctant to
accept new games into the module. It has happened very regularly that
the developers left shortly after the first stable release, leaving
our very small team with yet another game to maintain.

So, while I welcome your enthusiasm, I doubt a proposal for a new game
will be accepted. You should rather invest your time in the Knights
proposal to improve your chance.


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