[Kde-games-devel] Game mancala

Dal Horinek dal at horinek.net
Mon Apr 25 21:43:23 CEST 2011

Hello everybody.

I have developed a board game from Mancala game family, it's Kalah game 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalah), but it's called Mancala, because 
it's best know, I guess. This game's been made as school project with 
some features as history of moves, game savings, best move suggestion etc.

I've inspired in some other KDE Games and I've tried to create it in the 
manner of other KDE Games.

If you are interested in, I would love to have the game part of KDE 
Games, anyway that's not up to me at all, so that's the reason why I'm 
writing this mail.

What are conditions to have the game added to KDE games?

Best regards.
Dalibor Horinek

Dalibor Horinek

mobile: +420 776 687 523
jabber: douglish at linuxsystem.cz
ICQ: 178217372 (Preferuji jabber)

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