[Kde-games-devel] Re: Move Tagaro code into SVN?

Mathias Kraus k.hias at gmx.de
Thu Apr 14 00:25:17 CEST 2011

Stefan Majewsky schrieb am Mittwoch, 13. April 2011:
> Hi,
> my problem with libtagaro is that I want to use it in kdegames now,
> and add more useful components it, but that's not possible because it
> would then become a dependency, and very likely a hard one (unless
> someone is willing to maintain the non-Tagaro codepaths).
> So, without further ado: Would anybody mind if I moved the Tagaro
> source tree inside kdegames SVN, in a separate subdirectory? It will
> explicitly be described as an experimental and private library, with
> headers being installed only when the undocumented option
> If nobody offends until the weekend, I'll do the commit. I will not
> commit the whole history, as I see no added value in having it. Only
> the then-current master branch from git.kde.org/libtagaro.
> I know that this proposed procedure bypasses kdereview effectively,
> but big parts of Tagaro are already source-copied into kdegames
> somewhere, like TagaroAudio in Granatier and parts of TagaroInterface
> in Kolf. Also, KGameRenderer shares much with TagaroGraphics, so there
> is not much new code in there. Besides, I will of course issue a
> public review via kdereview when the library API is stabilized and
> goes public.

Would this mean, that the copies in Granatier and Kolf could be deleted and 
Tagaro could be used directly?


> Greetings
> Stefan
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