[Kde-games-devel] KGameRenderer, porting efforts and a small report of activity

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Thu Sep 9 23:57:25 CEST 2010

I want to congratulate Stefan, Parker, Brian and all people involved in
the KGameRenderer initiative and porting. It is great to see new blood
coming into the module! And the shake up of libkdegames is long overdue,
I hope Tagaro lives to see the light of day eventually!

This year has been very rough for me, but I think it is normal with a 1
year boy crawling between my legs (and waking up at 5 am every day...) I
am also finishing my masters. So the little time I have for KDE is now
spent supporting the brazilian community and trying to bring the
educational efforts down here to a completion, including the migration
of big deployments to KDE4. We have evolved slowly ,as it is the case
with everything that involves lots of people and the government :), but
I can now say that the next generation of brazilian students will
continue to have KDE as their default desktop on public schools.

I am glad that KBlocks has a new maintainer, and I want to invite
lurking people (and Brian and the other guys involved in the porting) to
consider taking up maintainership of one of the games still assigned to
me. KMahjongg and KMines (shared with dimsuz) could use some fresh
blood, so if you are looking for an interesting project to dive into KDE
Games development please let me know and I will do my best to mentor you.

Finally, I am not done with KDE Games at all :) I want to keep involved
and maybe help with the audio stuff, as multimedia is the field where I
came originally. And it looks I might get back to it very soon,
professionally as well :)

All in all, great job guys.

Mauricio Piacentini

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