[Kde-games-devel] Re: Kolf hacking

Stefan Majewsky kdemailinglists at bethselamin.de
Sat Oct 30 22:10:12 CEST 2010

Am Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010, 22:07:50 schrieb Stefan Majewsky:
> In my local source tree, there is already a copy of the Box2D physics
> engine (which is usually statically linked, so no new external
> dependency). I have experimented with it in Kolf 2 and was quite satisfied
> with the results. I might be able to reuse some of the code from Kolf 2,
> yet quite some refactoring has to be done.

Time for a small update: I have integrated some components from 
playground/games/kolf2, where Box2D integration had already worked.

I'm going a path of slow migration, in which the stepping functions of Kolf's 
own physics engine and Box2D run at the same time. I'm currently testing for 
regressions by changing the ball's velocity between both engines; only that 
engine which carries out the ball movement is relevant for collision detection 
and stuff.

All in all, this is working out very well, but I'm a bit stuck at the moment 
because the ball now interacts with ghost walls. (Seems like I kinda inversed 
the problem: Ball-wall collision was happening too seldomly; now it does so 
too often!) I will not commit anything before I got this sorted out.¹


¹ The commits are available from git://git.bethselamin.de/kdegames-work.git in 
the kolf-refactoring-tagaro branch.

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