[Kde-games-devel] Re: Kolf hacking

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 04:23:33 CEST 2010

On 25/10/2010, at 12:07 AM, Stefan Majewsky <majewsky at gmx.net> wrote:
> And I still have some unfinished
> work on Kolf 1 lying in my Git repository. I polished that a bit  
> other the
> last two evenings, and I am coming to a point where I actually  
> understand most
> of the code which I am modifying.
This is good news indeed, Stefan! I have been feeling rather guilty  
about Kolf I, as I am (in name only) the maintainer and have done  
nothing to it for ages. So I really hope you have time to knock it  
into shape before 4.6 release.

Currently I am travelling in Iran, an unfairly maligned country I  
would say. I do not have Internet every day and am communicating with  
one finger on an iPhone, so I cannot help you much. I will have a few  
things to catch up on when I return to Australia in a week or two, but  
from December onward I should be able to help with code review and  

As long as you get a foot in the door before hard feature freeze and  
promise to stick with it (this time ;-) ...), I cannot see much harm  
in you making such a large commit to trunk. I have often thought that  
the length of the testing cycle is more than is really needed for  
stand-alone apps, though appropriate for core libraries. So I think we  
have time on our side.

> In my local source tree, there is already a copy of the Box2D  
> physics engine
> (which is usually statically linked, so no new external dependency).

Sight unseen, I would tend to oppose introducing Box2D, on grounds of  
extra learning curve (for me at least), not to mention steamrollers  
and nuts, sparrows and cannons or whatever your favourites metaphor is.

> How do we want to go about reviewing? Shall I just commit this into  
> trunk and
> hope that this fixes more stuff than it breaks?
For my opinion see above, but yes.

All the best, Ian W.

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