[Kde-games-devel] Re: Knights moved to kdereview

Stefan Majewsky kdemailinglists at bethselamin.de
Fri Oct 8 21:48:26 CEST 2010

On Thursday 07 October 2010 23:29:19 Miha Čančula wrote:
> I suppose this is the one replacing/extending KGameRenderer? I don't follow
> your development

The code is on git.bethselamin.de (gitweb running on http:) in the tagaro 
repository. (I hope to move it to git.kde.org.)

> will there me any changes from KGR to Tagaro?

As libtagaro seeks to replace libkdegames in the near to mid-future, those 
parts of Tagaro::Renderer which constitute the interface to other parts of 
libtagaro are different from the corresponding parts KGameRenderer which 
interface to libkdegames. By now, this includes only KGameTheme which is 
replaced by something completely different in Tagaro: Tagaro introduces a 
"theme provider" who knows about all available themes, and remembers which 
theme is currently active. Changes to this selection are automatically picked 
up by the renderer because it is constructed on top of a theme provider.

This basically means that, when you port from KGameRenderer to 
Tagaro::Renderer at some point, you will only have to remove most of the 
KGameTheme handling code (like the "renderer->setTheme(Settings::theme())" 
stuff) because Tagaro::Renderer does this automatically.


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