[Kde-games-devel] Re: Knights moved to kdereview

Stefan Majewsky kdemailinglists at bethselamin.de
Thu Oct 7 22:34:20 CEST 2010

Am Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2010, 17:42:38 schrieb Mauricio Piacentini:
> So... why don't we use the move to git as a perfect excuse to reorganize
> the module and attempt to address this? This can be handled with
> different modules or with the creation of an indicator (a simple
> classification file) that lives next to each game.

In this case, I would actually abandon the concept of one kdegames module 
(i.e. one repository) at all. There would be a kdegames team which maintains a 
bunch of games. Those which are stable are marked as "@distros: include this 
in the default installation" or something, and the others are still made 

I know that many are concerned about balkanization of our team, i.e. 
maintainers only worry about their games because the kdegames repo as the link 
between all games is missing. However, it didn't hurt Plasma as a team to have 
its code distributed over many different SC modules, because they implemented 
the right social structure, and bonded their applications by a strong 
technical platform.


P.S. And that is why I'm working on Project Tagaro. In hardly related news, 
TagaroSvg is coming soon.

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