[Kde-games-devel] Re: Knights moved to kdereview

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Thu Oct 7 17:42:38 CEST 2010

On 10/07/2010 11:35 AM, Parker Coates wrote:
> My personal opinion is that if you are willing to launch a
> extragear/games "module" and move Knights to git.kde.org, that would
> be very much appreciated. Using Knights as a pilot project could help
> us to work out the kinks and determine the advantages and
> disadvantages of having an extragear/games.

My personal opinion is that preventing new apps in the module does not
address the problem of unmaintained applications.
If we want to have a set of "first-class", "supported" games (and I
believe we should) then the best way to address this is with a process
to identify those games and highlight this to packagers. This is more or
less what we came up in the last big kdegames meeting, in Akademy 2008.
But we failed to agree on how to do this.
As it is now, it is implicit that being in the kdegames module means the
game is maintained and fully supported, which is not true any more for
some apps.
So... why don't we use the move to git as a perfect excuse to reorganize
the module and attempt to address this? This can be handled with
different modules or with the creation of an indicator (a simple
classification file) that lives next to each game.

When I entered the module (in 2005 or 2006) the number one game
requested for KDE games was chess. And now we have someone working for a
few months on a good implementation and willing to support it, and I do
not want us to loose the opportunity to have this game picked up and
featured by distros in 4.6 just because it might be in a less visible

Mauricio Piacentini

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