[Kde-games-devel] RFC: Rename KBattleShip and KTron

Parker Coates parker.coates at kdemail.net
Tue May 4 15:55:11 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 08:29, Mauricio Piacentini wrote:
> Hi, people. It appears that the consensus is to do the rename,
> including input from the e.V. list and the lawyers involved in the
> discussion. So we need to find a nem name for both KBattleship and
> KTron.
> Daniel (one of KBattleship authors) proposed Ocean Wars as his
> preferred name, but apparently there are other games that already use
> this name.
> One idea was to simply use the ones Fedora is already using, but
> Parker objected to it, and I think we should consult the kdegames
> community to let it decide.
> How can we handle this? Maybe a one-week poll, or a vote here on the
> list? I support the names proposed by Eugene, and we can probably
> choose to go with one with a K on it to make it more difficult to
> "klash" with other existing names.
> A "wide" poll is probably not needed, we do not want to drag this for
> a long time...
> A proposal: let us take three more days of suggestions for names, and
> do a quick one week poll on doodle, open to KDE people that are
> reading this list. Agreed?

So it seems that this initiative died. (I really hope I wasn't the one
who killed the momentum by saying I didn't like Fedora's names.) I
don't think this renaming would be considered a feature, so I think
there's still plenty of time to get this done by the 4.5 string

So, I'd say let's get some more names suggested or some consensus on
the already given ones.


KSinkShips (Fedora)
Naval Battle (Mauricio)
OceanKlash (Eugene)
BattleSeas (Eugene)
AquaFight (Eugene)
The Rocket Splash (Eugene)
NavalKlash (Parker)
NavalSkirmish (Parker)
SinkSankSunk (Parker, probably not very translatable)

KSnakeDuel (Fedora)
Super Bikes (Eugene)
Lightning Kross (Eugene)
Snakeroll (Eugene)
BikeTag (Eugene)
Tag-Tag (Eugene)
MazeFight (Parker)
MazeBikes (Parker)
WalledIn (Parker)

Please reply, copying the entire lists above and appending your
suggestions. Just throw out ideas, even if they're not very good (like
mine above). They may give someone else an idea for a great name.


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