[Kde-games-devel] Regarding Mancala

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Mon May 3 21:45:39 CEST 2010


On Monday 03 May 2010 18:42:13 Mauricio Piacentini wrote:
> If others could give their opinion about this I think we can reach a
> conclusion if implementing this functionality is a blocker for
> inclusion on the main module or not. I think it is, but I do not
> remember exactly when we discussed this, probably a couple of years
> ago :)
I have another opinion about Mancala. I'm still up to writing more detailed 
report after my initial review of it, but as I'm afraid I might not end up 
writing it, here are a few key points why I think it has to be improved.

Disclaimer: these points apply if we want to re-consider our quality standards 
for the games to meet to be included in kdegames. If we review the games by 
comparing to the existing ones in our module, then mancala is more or less ok. 

Imagine I'm a new user, not geek, not knowing anything about mancala-kind of 
games. Take my mother for example. Oh, even let's take me as I've just had the 
same experience that I will describe :)

- I launch a game, what do I see? I see some holes, some balls. I click holes, 
balls move => I don't get it. What should I do? What are the rules? Most 
probable I'll just close this game and won't do anything about it :) Read 
manual? Sorry I won't. I'm a regular user, I do not read manuals. I want 
gameplay. So. At least basic tutorial is needed.

- Now as a curious user, I try to explore other things that I see on screen. 
Combobox in toolbar. What's in there? Some strange words. I don't know any of 
them. I don't know what exactly happens when I select another word from that 
list. Something is definetely happening => screen changes, theme changes, but 
same balls, same moves. Hmmm. but what's this for? I don't know. How do I 
play? what did just happen after i selected another word from combobox? 

- Another note: does this combobox really belong to a toolbar? Shouldn't it be 
in some config dialog where it can be at least briefly explained to user? I 
think something should be done here, not sure what exactly. But as a user I'm 
lost again.

- Same for changing difficulty. Without knowing rules, i don't know what 
difficulty is.

I also took a brief look at the code and noted that it uses some hardcoded 
font names ("Comic Sans MS"), and hardcoded color names (something like "deep-
blue", don't recall exactly). In the first case the fonts which are set in 
SystemSettings should be used (look that up in the api dox, i can't say right 
now what methods should be used) and in the second case KStatefulBrush and KDE 
palette should be queried for the colors. Or the theme file if the colors are 
written there. No hardcoding.

So to conclude:
I don't think that Mancala is ready for a regular user. Most likely he/she 
will close it after a few clicks. If a regular user is our target, then I'd 
suggest to improve this game. The most needed thing IMO is some kind of 
tutorial which would explain how to play.

Sorry if my semi-review sounded harsh, I *really* don't mean to offend 
someone. I do understand that this game took quite some effort and love to 
implement. I'm just trying to 'judge' based on what average user would think 
of Mancala.

So I think that it needs some improvements before its ready for kdegames.
Again, this applies only if we want to raise a bar for kdegames quality.

Sorry if this ended up too lengthy, I have still to master the art of writing 
short reviews ;)


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