[Kde-games-devel] Proposing KGameRenderer

Stefan Majewsky kdemailinglists at bethselamin.de
Wed Jun 16 22:06:09 CEST 2010

Hi again,

if you want to test the KGameRenderer code and the KDiamond port to 
KGameRenderer, clone the following Git repo:


The "master" branch is just a git-svn clone of trunk/KDE/kdegames (starting at 
r1130000, about one month ago). The KGameRenderer code is in the 
"kgamerenderer" branch (now inside libkdegames, with pretty headers and 
everything), and the KDiamond port is in the "kgamerenderer-kdiamond" branch 
(which is based upon the "kgamerenderer" branch).


P.S. I will also occasionally update the ReviewBoard diff, but I'm using git-
svn anyway, and this repo makes a nice backup.

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