[Kde-games-devel] Icons for palapeli and ksirkskineditor in KDE SC 4.4

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 21:32:04 CET 2010

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 4:11 AM, Stefan Majewsky <majewsky at gmx.net> wrote:
> @Arturo: Your work is very much appreciated, but I leave comments on graphical
> design elements to people who know about those things better than me.

Granted I can kind of understand where you're getting at, given I
can't always follow along in c++/qt4-heavy conversations   But even if
I didn't know about programming or even jigsaw puzzles, I still tried
to offer some feedback on Palapeli, even if it didn't compare to the
superior analysis you received afterwards.  I can't really say this
was reciprocated with my own works -- and given art is subjective,
even a simple "I like it" or "needs more work" is helpful.

The absence of feedback is disheartening to me, but you're not at
fault here because this is a problem I've seen rampant throughout the
KDE mailing lists I've visited, plus many of the larger projects I've
tried to join in the past.  The exceptions to this (such as the
invigorating teamwork with Granatier) are just that, the "exceptions"
to the norm.

In the end I think I'm better suited to lead my own project, where I'd
have greater control over its content and its timeline.  And as a
matter of fact I have finally taken up game development since at least
early December (albeit in Python, not C++/QT4).  So I think its for
everyone's benefit that I wrap up the last bit of business left here
before I finally take my leave and let KDE grow as it wants to.

You're free of course to use the artwork I created however you'd like,
though if you do I'd recommend having someone from Oxygen finalize the
drafts to blend in better with the surroundings.  The license will
always be the same as that used by the target program (e.g., GPL).

Sorry it didn't work out, but thanks anyway for your hard work and for
offering me SVN access at one point.  Best of luck with Palapeli, and
Kolf2 if you choose to return to it.  :)


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