[Kde-games-devel] Theme

Kai Dombrowe kdombrowe at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 2 02:58:32 CET 2010


I hope I'm on the right list.
I am currently developing a game called QFrustration (german name:
“Mensch ärgere dich nicht”,
Screenshot: http://yfrog.com/7hqfcp
I would like to create a theme for it, but I’m not an artist (see screenshot)
I want to ask if any one of the kde games artists can help me.
I would be very happy if someone could help me.

I need exactly 6 stones (red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, cyan).
13 fields (red, light red, blue, light blue, green, light green,
yellow, light yellow, magenta, light magenta, cyan, light cyan, white)
1 Background (maybe just wood or a table)
1 Board
6 Dice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Sorry for my bad english...
best regards

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