[Kde-games-devel] Palapeli preview window survey

Johannes Loehnert loehnert.kde at gmx.de
Tue Aug 17 19:01:20 CEST 2010

> > Thinking about it, maybe one should do something like the tiled windows
> > in dolphin: give some means to subdivide the main view, and undock /
> > redock those subwindows to make the multihead users happy.
> Now that reminds me of Amarok's UI. Or is it possible to start a KWin
> instance in an MDI window? :-D

Yes, if you manage to embed a VMWare view somehow... *scnr* - fun aside, 
Amarok certainly got a long way since I last used it. :-) What I was thinking 
of was something like that:
 * press, e.g., Ctrl+H to split horizontally into two views
 * have a small of tools in each view, e.g. the box chooser. Or have the 
toolbar buttons act on the active view.
 * move the splitter up or down to adjust the size
 * click the "undock" arrow to make a separate window
 * finally click the little "x" to get rid of a view

> Well, it seems like control over Palapeli is slowly slipping out of my
> hands (which is good if it is caused by your commitment; I already have
> enough to do, esp. besides KDE).

Hm, I have fun discussing things, and I'm eager to dive into the code 
(especially if you say you're not that motivated lately). But I consider it 
your child and will not commit things without you approving. (Bugfixes and the 
like not counting...)

Best regards,
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