[Kde-games-devel] Palapeli preview window survey

Stefan Majewsky kdemailinglists at bethselamin.de
Mon Aug 16 21:44:00 CEST 2010

On Monday 16 August 2010 19:26:13 Johannes Loehnert wrote:
> In my point of view, the key issue is persistence. Meaning that the game
> should remember my boxes across sessions. (probably obvious...)
> On a sidenote, for real-life puzzles I actually use lots of boxes, but
> seldom the sidespace of the table. Maybe that's why "separate scenes"
> seemed a better metaphor to me.

That's what I was thinking about as well. Actually, I never liked the fact 
that the scene does all the game loading and savegame management. I wanted to 
split that from the code that actually handles the piece constraints etc.

Plus, implementation with multiple scenes seems trivial, compared to multiple 
views onto the same scene.

BTW, the relevant bug is <https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=211866>, which 
calls the boxes "puzzle piles".

> Thinking about it, maybe one should do something like the tiled windows in
> dolphin: give some means to subdivide the main view, and undock / redock
> those subwindows to make the multihead users happy. 

Now that reminds me of Amarok's UI. Or is it possible to start a KWin instance 
in an MDI window? :-D

> Regarding the solution window as in the patch -  please keep in mind that
> currently it is just a suggestion by me. Stefan was not really convinced
> when I first showed it to him, and he is the one to decide what gets
> commited.

Well, it seems like control over Palapeli is slowly slipping out of my hands 
(which is good if it is caused by your commitment; I already have enough to 
do, esp. besides KDE).


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