[Kde-games-devel] granatier

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 04:16:15 CEST 2009

Ah sorry, I forgot to reply to this earlier.  :(

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Mathias Kraus <k.hias at gmx.de> wrote:
> I would consider it as alpha feature wise but I always try to keep it very stable, so there shouldn't be any chrashes hopefully.

Ah, that's what I thought, but indeed it's quite good for an alpha. ^^b
No crashes at all, only the stuff I mentioned earlier.

> actually it's kind of a joke. look for the "wilhelm scream"

I see, an easter egg.  ^__^b


Good thinking, although I still think something along the lines of
Wormux "death rattles" would be more universal.  ^^v

> yes, it's too early in the development, but I would appreciate any help in that field when it's in a more advanced state.

hehe, I'll be on standby then.  :)
I've actually gotten more and more interested in helping update the
KDE User Manual, since that's an important newbie resource (assuming
they RTFM to begin with) that seems somewhat neglected.  If I do end
up involved with that, I'm sure it'll be good practice and whipping
something up for Granatier would be a piece of cake.  ^^b

On the other hand, that docbook format unsettles me.... ¬¬

> I think there won't be any AI for 4.4. only local multiplayer. have you tried to move the second player with W,A,S,D and putting the bomb with Q. the third player is I, J, K, L and SPACE and the fourth player R, T, Z, G and C.
> I need to make it configurable though.

I did now!  Although it's darn hard to move two of these little guys
simultaneously.  :P

Also, for some odd reason, Player 1 seems to leave behind some visual
artificats while certain animations from Player 2 are in progress
(mainly when a bomb is placed or it blows up).  See the attached PNG
for a screenshot (although the artificats vary in size).

Should probably note that I don't have the option to select 3 or 4
players, at least from the build I downloaded.  And yes, configuration
capacity is a must -- this is KDE, after all. ^___^v

> this is all work in progress from a coder with little to medium artistic skills.

Understandable. ^^v

> this is similar to clanbomber, except the explosion, that's kind of a bug :)
> I'm not sure if the player also should die if he get's only a little bit hit by the explosion.

Hehe, if that's the case then i can't really say I enjoy the way the
Clanbomber characters move. ^___^'
But if it's simpler on a technical side ot keep the movement smooth
like that (rather than tile-based), I think I can live with that.  -v-

Oh and yes, not to be sanguine but in a real explosion just the
shockwave alone could kill you.  So yes, if the character doesn't have
at least 70% of his body on the next time, you can consider him to be
well within blast reach.  ^______^;

> the icons are now changed. the map was just a quick copy and paste to test the theming.

Ah okay, I'll be sure to check this out in my next SVN update (when
you're ready for more testing).  :)

> handicaps are also on my TODO like them from clanbomber

Not sure who else has tested this for you, but I think it would be
great for you to add a little TODO list file in the Granatier source
directory.  That way, anyone who tests it will see what's coming down
the pipeline.  ^^b

> for the first release their won't be much more animations. I try to animate the explosion a bit, but beside that there won't be anything I thing, at least for the moment.

Ah yes, I had a huge discussion recently in a different thread
regarding animation.  I've only glanced at the QCV animation
documentation, but as an artist it's very hard for to understand what
it says without actually looking at examples.  I promised myself that
over the weekend I'd check out how games like Ksirk, KDiamonds and
KolourLines implememnt their animation.  I know now KGoldRunner uses
its own library.

> would be fantastic. an idea would also be to use konqi, tux, the BSD beastie etc.
> my plan is to separate the player from the theme, so that they don't have to be redone for every theme.

I like that too!  :D
Course, that would make it something like a Clanbomber+Wormux clone,
but I love it.  :)

> clanbomber is at least for me somehow broken because I can't use the arrow keys to move the player.
> beside that, it really makes much fun. that's one of the reason I want a KDE version.

And as long as you have the time and skills to make it possible, you
should be given the chance to make your Clanbomber/Bomberman clone a
reality.  ^^b

I will at least try to mess around with some custom graphics over the
weekend too (at least a few).  But I do want to take the time to do
some more studying on animation, since that's of strong interest to

In the meantime, if you do need a specific graphic I can help draw for
you, let me know.  ^^

--Arturo "C-quel" Silva
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