[Kde-games-devel] Kolf Art?

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 19:47:26 CEST 2009

> Stefan now is working for a better looking range selector. As to the
> real-time preview, it needs me to do some optimization for the bleding
> algorithm, at the moment I haven't made any optimization on it, the blending
> cost a lot of time.

Ehh, I figured it might.  But as long as the range selector can be
improved a little, I think we'll be okay and the real-time preview
might not be necessary (or instead of a "real-time" preview, it simply
just autogenerates the terrain every few seconds or so).

I'm not sure if you or Stefan need any thoughts on how the range
selector should be like, but in order to cut down on the required
number of dials I'd like to recommend making use of the layered
"stack" of textures to auto-determine min and max values.  So any
textures in the bottom of the stack (e.g., water) will be prevalent in
lower depths of the map, and the textures at the top (e.g., rock) will
occupy the upper portion of the map, and the user can drag and drop
textures within the stack to reposition their placement.

In this manner we can eliminate the occurrence of blackouts (when
there are no textures), and have only dials that control the relative
size and blend value of the textures.  I'm using the gradient tools of
GIMP and Inkscape as references to this line of reasoning -- again,
whether it's practical or not I'll leave for you to decide, but
thought I should mention it at least.  ^^b


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