[Kde-games-devel] kigo

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 04:46:05 CEST 2009

Well, I'm happy to report that I managed to successfully build,
install and play Kigo!  ^^
It looks good, but I probably neglected to mention before that I've
never played Go before, so I got my rear handed by the computer quite
easily. ^^;

In any event, the KReversi black and white stones do work out nicely
here.  I miss the flipping effects, but they don't belong here because
you never flip anything in this game.  However, when capturing a
piece, I wonder if you can add a quick shrinking animation to the
piece that gets captured, just for an extra dab of eyecandy.  ^^

And yes, the background is definitely from KReversi, and the board is
a little cramped.  I'll see what I can do to spruce it up over the
next few days -- my hope is to add the stone cups and timer on the
sides for purposes of eyecandy (although the timer could be repurposed
later on to be interactive.  :)

Matthew Woehlke wrote
> Sigh. Anyone have a foley studio they can send me? :-) I'd love to help
> here (I have a genuine Go board, as well as several jigsaws for palapeli
> sounds also), but I don't have decent sound recording equipment.
> Certainly not to get good quality sounds of the sort needed for these games.

Funny, I thought of the same thing at one point too.  :P
I figured you could use something like audacity to remove white noise
and smooth out the sound, but in general I figure it really takes a
sound guy to make some quality audio.  Or at least a good mic and a
lot of rugs and drapes.  ;)

Is there some sound people that can help?  Anything need to be purchased?  :D

Dmitry Suzdalev wrote
> To me it's more interesting to know whether Kigo handles GnuGo absence
> gracefully or not. I.e. I would imagine some pretty msg box or even some kind
> of "welcome screen" on the main widget telling user to install GnuGo to be
> able to play (if it's absent).

Yep, I can confirm that, without gnugo, the game politely informs the
player that there is no Go engine, and that they should kindly forage
for one elsewhere.  hehe.  :D

This reminds me a little of the old KDE3 Knights game, which would
also kindly inform the user that there is no chess program installed,
although back then I wondered why it simply wasn't included as a
dependency.  :)


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